Why Do I Even Bother?
But the more I read, the more pissed I got.
So, yeah, I posted a couple of comments.
Nothing big, mind you. It's no big deal.
I can stop whenever I want!
What do you mean, I'm an addict?!?
Bask in the inanity: Darwin Is Dead Carnival.
Now, now . . . I see you actually tried to use evidence, logic, and reason to refute propagandists who won't believe you no matter what.
You are a masochist, aren't you?
Hey, at least I don't go on the Randi forums and argue with people who come looking for a fight. I GO looking for a fight. Heh.
Hey, I generally leave the deluded alone on the Randi forums. There are people there far more capable to do the smacking down. I'm more a part of the friendly discussion community.
Plus, I occasionally get to post next to Phil Plait and Hal Bidlack, so nyah.
Okay, name-dropper, just 'cause you get your warm-fuzzies at Randi doesn't mean that most of the crew that isn't really just looking for a good fight. Most forum-posters are, in my experience.
Hugs and kisses,
Your Squid-God buddy.
Yes. The current discussion on Girl Scout cookies is getting rather violent.
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