Saturday, October 01, 2005

Serenity mini-review (no spoilers)

Serenity, a movie by Joss Whedon based on his short-lived but amazing TV series, Firefly, is absolutely amazing. It has everything that made the series great and adds things only a movie budget can add. It also sets the stage for more movies with larger storylines, if Fox will let him make them, and ties up most of the loose ends left by the abrupt ending of the series. Stupid, stupid Fox.

That being said, I have come to a conclusion about Joss Whedon. He is the directorial version of a serial killer!

Stay with me, now. At the end of BtVS, one central but mostly supporting character dies. At the end of Angel, one central and very important character dies. In Serenity, one central but mostly supporting character AND one central and very important character both die. He's stepping up his time-table. I can only imagine who's going to die in Wonder Woman.

Maybe I shouldn't watch so much Criminal Minds.


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Fire does not wait for the sun to be hot,

Nor the wind for the moon, to be cool.

-- the Zenrin Kushu